Maths Tutor Ireland


title:School Uniforms in Public Schools on the Ri
author:Isaac Grauke
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Surveys show that school uniform policies are becoming more popular in public schools. A poll in 2000 showed that 3% of public school students were in uniform. The number jumped to 12% by 2004 and a new survey is due out in 2006. School uniforms are on the rise.
The biggest advocates are school administrators and teachers who have seen school uniforms in action. Most schools who have tried them confess they work. Among the benefits, they say, are reduced crime, less focus on fashion, and more focus on school.
Detractors point to the small amount of scientific research that has been conducted, which states that school uniforms can in no way be linked to the benefits others have seen. Other big concerns include students’ individuality and self-expression.
The bottom line is that more and more schools are adopting school uniform policies. Where is this trend heading? Already we have seen that school uniforms are not just affecting students- students are affecting school uniforms. The old school uniforms are passing away. Fewer and fewer people are opting for the traditional plaid and blazer ensemble in favor of a more fashionable uniform. Styles are being updated to suit the times.
As this happens, perhaps fewer people will have aversions to the school uniform. Perhaps schools in uniform will become the standard. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Who knows- we may even see the day when every student goes to school in a uniform. Find out more from the school uniform experts at Hall Closet Uniforms,