title:The Life of a Child
author:Andy Carloff
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09
At the school, the child will learn to be submissive to any mortal authority, whether they are in the right or the wrong. At the church, the child will learn to be submissive to the immortal lord, whether the words of the Bible turn his stomach or not. And at home, the child will learn to become a prisoner, he will learn to associate those walls of his parents’ house with the walls of a prison, and he will learn to regard his time until his 18th birthday as a prison sentence. This is no way to raise children, but it is what every child is taught. Those prejudices which are instilled in the human mind from the earliest of ages are the most difficult to remove ever. The child concedes to himself, that the suffering he feels, holding the lies in his mind that he is inferior to adults, believing that his opinions should never be considered, he loses his soul, and becomes a ghost. Years will pass, as this truth gains more root in his mind, and he will grow up to be a consumer. His opinions will be determined by the television programs he watches, he will vote for the same political party that his parents did, his understanding of emotions will be infantile, and finally, he will commit the greatest betrayal, by teaching his children in the way he was taught. He will harness the whip before he touches his son in kindness, he will tell his son “respect your elders,” “mind your parents,” “listen to your teachers.” He will regard every divergent ideal held by his child as a dictator regards dissent: it is to be crushed, but not just crushed, the child must know that his belief to dream of a better life is in vain, that he will never go where he wants to, and that the problem is not with the world but with him. So it happens… The process is started again. The child, who had seen blue skies and the beauty of nature, would dream one day that maybe he can paint a picture that will tell their story. But as he is continually told that disagreement with his father is the equivalent of disrespect, that his dreams are the equivalent of certain failure, that happiness cannot exist unless it is at the command of an adult… as he learns this, his one true possession, his soul, begins to whither. Like the most pure rose, but then water being withheld from it, it rots. The longer it is removed from what it needs, the less likely it will ever possibly recover. Thus, we have the system of education in which the children of our world learn and develop.
A man will not afford the rights to his own child, that he would afford to any other man in the world. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. And it is this, which I regard as the greatest treachery of all history. Tell me the tale of the worst treason in the world, of the most infamous and vile traitor, and his story will dim in comparison to the poverty of spirituality that is given to children today. Among almost all of our schools, it is a violation of the rules to call a teacher by their first name. Think of that! There can be no doubt that the authors of thse rules are not the children, for whom they are made for, but rather the teachers and school administration. Here we have the basic premises that every Totalitarian regime operates upon: the leaders are not chosen by the public, but they argue that it is for the public’s own good. There is not one iota of involvement of the public in the governing of the affairs of the nation. Liberty is a quality that exists in the dreams of those who refused to sell their soul so they could fill their stomachs. When any person looks back to the rules imposed in an elementary school, we are baffled that we once lived under such heinous conditions. There is an almost universal rule, that gum cannot be chewed during class. Had you offered some to a child, they may speak, “But it is against the rules!” with such force, that you would be convinced that there is no purpose to school, but to brainwash children. Here, when we find that children are so unquestioningly devoted to the rules given to them, we know that they have believed the lies given to them by their oppressors. The true battle for liberation must come when children are not taught to respect every adult, but to respect their own reasoning abilities. Children are not allowed, by penalty of law and government (of which, I have personally seen people convicted and sentenced to jail), to leave their schools. If education is freedom, how is it accompanied by the essential components of slavery?
I will say this much… The school, the church, and the home — all of which promote the idea to respect your parents — every one of these organizations works in unison, to keep the mind of the child of poverty, and to keep the heart of the child in slavery. By oppressing the natural desire of a child’s emotion, to seek out the good, the beautiful, and the gentle, the school system effectively manages to turn them into submissive adults. Not only will they submit to the authorities, but they will submit to social dogmas. They will be afraid to admit how they feel, they will be afraid to say what they think, and they will be afraid to question what they believe. The destruction of society begins with the school system, as it teaches children that life’s greatest pain is to think — that “happiness can only come in the form we give it to you” — our children are taught that every dream, every emotion, every thought, every idea that stirs the soul to contentness, every tranquil moment that brings joy is fake. This is no way to raise children, no way to love them, and certainly, it is no way to educate them.
For Life,