title:The Options that Open and Distance Learn
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author:Anthea Deluth
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09
My name is Anthea Deluth and my husband is in the forces and stationed overseas. This is only some of the time. The rest of the time we are travelling to our next destination, and settling into a program of education is almost impossible. That was until I discovered that I could learn anywhere by doing my studies through distance learning and this was a large step to take for me. All of a sudden the excuses were gone. I could do what I always wanted and whenever I found myself watching a television program I didn’t particularly like, or out in the evening and not enjoying myself fully, I thought of the time I could be putting into my studies of something that genuinely interested me. I took the big step of contacting the major open and distance learning For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. College in Britain, Oxford College ODL. They made me feel at ease, and told me to take one step at a time. I am now completing a diploma along with my husband. He and I are returning to Britain shortly and we are interested in opening a business together. He is so impressed with the ease of learning, he has done a diploma himself and we are looking forward to a new settled life working together and using the knowledge we now posses through our distance learning.
I recently told my brother what my husband and I planned to do and how we had got the education we needed. He took a job working in construction when he was 16 and as the pay was good, he continued on. He and his wife have two children, and the job he had seemed to be the only one he would ever have. It was a means to an end for him and each day he continued on doing a job he didn’t see a way out of. He was doing as much overtime as he could as the extra money was needed, and taking time out for studying was out of the question. But he surprised me with what he told me next. He seemed to be at a dead end and in a rut, but his wife was surfing the net one day and came across Oxford College ODL and saw that they offered numerous courses in subjects that he had expressed an interest in. There was no need to attend night school which would have been impossible for him just as it would have for my husband and I, and he could take his learning at his own pace. It took a lot of courage for him to enrol, but soon after he did, he found himself hurrying home to do assignments and send them through for grading. I hear the confidence in his voice now, and he is looking forward to his future every day. We are all looking forward to our futures and it is because of the ease of open and distance learning. It is now a possibility that we will be able to all work together soon and that will bring the family closer together.
My brother’s wife says, “Why wasn’t learning so easy when I went to school?” The answer is that the education industry is becoming more flexible with distance learning schools who listen to what the students want and are interested in making education a possibility for every one.
I write this article with great thanks to Oxford College ODL and Oxford Distance Learning for their efforts and constant battle with the older establishments who are interested in seeing that education remains the ‘old donkey’ that makes things difficult for the single student and their needs simply because it is easier for them. When people think of quality education they think of ‘Oxford’. Oxford College ODL and Oxford Distance Learning have not fallen short of the mark, and hopefully they will keep pushing the boundaries on the student’s behalf. Bravo to them for their efforts, and because of them, bravo to us!