Maths Tutor Ireland


title:The Virtual Job Market
author:Diane Hess
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

In the last decade, there has been an increase in the
virtual job market. This is due to the major decline in
corporate jobs. Whether you have a college degree or high
school diploma, the higher paying positions just aren’t
there for the taking. That is why so many people have
turned to the Internet for employment.

It’s all about finding your niche` in business. Most people
take their prior experience on the job and mold it into a
lasting career. This then sets the guidelines of their
business structure and things are quickly transformed into
a work-at-home environment.

With the threat of a recession on the horizon, corporations
and small businesses are cutting back on health care
benefits and downsizing their staff. Although many jobs are
lost, virtual professionals benefit from this happening.
Now business owners are looking online for outsourcing
service providers and cost effective means of managing their

The virtual industry is more profitable than most realize.
BUT…there will come a time when virtual customers will want
more than your WORFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. D and PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE to consider
you for a job. By the year 2008, virtual employers will
require the same credentials of their virtual professional
as they would an employee. This means to have an advantage
over your competitors you need to become a Certified Virtual

What is a Virtual Professional?
A virtual professional is often referred to as a Virtual
Assistant (VA) or Administrative Assistant in a conventional
office. The term ‘virtual’ pertains to the online
ommunity. The assistant that services the online community
via computer is a virtual professional. Both types of
assistants’ perform the same job duties.

Professional service providers supply services as needed.
Their business world is your reality. A phone call or
e-mail and you’ve set up a ‘work order’. VA’s are self-
employed or an employee of a VA service offered by
a company.

The virtual professional is often a well-educated, hard
working, computer literate, and expert in their field.
In general, a virtual professional has the ability to
meet all of the outsourcing needs of a company.

Business Writing/Correspondents
Data/Word Processing

The CVP program will walk you through the steps you need to
take in opening your virtual office. Each day material will
be sent via email and students will be expected to read the
material and complete the day’s assignment. At the end of
the week, a test will be given covering the material. A
passing grade will bring you closer to receiving your